How To Start A Successful Shopify Store: A Beginner’s Guide

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Featured image: How To Start A Successful Shopify Store |

Shopify’s popularity stems from its user-friendly store setup process, which contrasts with the significant time and technical expertise required for eCommerce store creation in the past. With prominent eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, setting up an online store has become a matter of minutes.

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Moving on to the actual steps involved in creating your Shopify store, here are nine actions to take that will ensure your new store is well-positioned for success:

1) Prepare Your Business

Before creating your Shopify account, there are several things you need to have in order. These include your business concept, business name, the products you plan to sell, a logo, and potentially product images.

Having these elements in place is critical to setting up a fully functional store and conducting thorough research.

Additionally, it’s crucial to have high-quality, optimized product images ready before getting started.

 2) Set Up Your Shopify Account

To begin, you’ll need to create a Shopify account if you haven’t already done so. All that’s necessary is your email address and a password, and you won’t need to confirm your email right away. As a result, you can go ahead and start setting up your store.

After that, you’ll need to provide a name for your store. This name must be unique, or you won’t be able to purchase a domain through Shopify.

3) Add Your Products

Once your store is set up, the next step is to add your products. This step is straightforward.

To get started, navigate to the Products tab and select Add Products. From there, you can begin listing your products.

After you’ve listed your products, you’ll need to provide some additional information about each item, such as a product image, title, price, etc.

4) Add Pages To Your Website

After adding products, create pages for your website, starting with essential pages.

The essential pages include Contact, About Us, FAQs, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

5) Select A Theme And Customise Your Store

At this stage, your store is beginning to take shape. The next step is to customise its appearance and work on its outlook.

To get started, look for the Online Store tab and select Themes.

6) Customise Your Checkout Page

To complete the setup of your Shopify store, customise your checkout page. To do this, go to the Theme Settings tab and click on Checkout.

You can modify the imagery, layout, and background colour of your checkout page.

As a beginner, avoid implementing complex scripts on your checkout page.

Instead, you can enable tipping from customers or require them to check out using their emails.

7) Set Up Shipping

8) Configure Your Taxes

Like any profit-making business, you need to remit taxes to the government on each sale you make.

Shopify simplifies this process by handling tax calculations automatically using a worldwide sales tax rate. It’s still recommended that you research or consult a tax professional to ensure you’re charging and paying the correct amount of taxes.

9) Setup Payment Gateways And Launch Your Store

Setting up your payment gateway on Shopify is easy because they accept common payment methods. Shopify Payments is its own payment gateway that is free to use.

Finally, with the launch, you have completed the process of setting up your Shopify store, and it’s now ready to be launched and made visible to the public.

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